Friday, January 15, 2010

Sixers Game - JT

Our car pool pulled up the parking lot- H of the Wachovia center promptly at 5:20. We then met up with Brian to escort us to get our passes for tonights Sixer’s and King’s game. Brian then took us to the area where we would be sitting and setting up shop for the night. He then passed each student a handout of the Sixer’s Daily Clips. We then talked a little bit about being a PR and what they do. Basically handle the situations between players and coaches from the press. They are the people that give as much information as they can with out giving them too much information. He then took us into two groups to check out the behind the scenes room. Where PR refine and sharpen their skills for tonights game. We met Tim. He deals with the pictures for the media. Upon returning back to our seats Tom McGinnis was able to speak with us. He enlightened us how he used his athletic work ethics to become the play-by-play announcer for the Sixers. Anthony Gilbert also gave us advice on “Networking”. He told us that a lot of success in the PR personnel deals with who you know. Then as a class we set up a Tweeter account to post updates on the game. Now we are at the point where we are writing about what we learned and have done in the past 3-hours.

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