Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mickey Vernon-Greg S

On Saturday January 16, our sports media relations class had the opportunity to visit one of the most proud sports museum's in all of Pennsylvania. The Mickey Vernon Sports Museum. The museum is located in Delaware County PA. We were greeted at the door by the director Jim VanKoskie. VanKoskie is a very close personal friend of the late Mickey Vernon. The museum is centered around the two biggest legends of Delaware County Mickey Vernon and Paul Arzin. Both are respected players in both the NBA and MLB even though they both were overshadowed by other superstars during their era. The class would walk around the museum taking all that is rich in tradition and pride in Delaware County. The 3 levels of the sports history include several used game equipment from the legends of the past. These include baseballs, footballs, basketballs, and even some gold medals. The conclusion of the tour ended with a 2nd sitdown in a room while watcihng a video of Mickey Vernon. The video was a one of a kind look into the behind the scenes look at what baseball was really like in the 40's, 50's, and 60's. Their was no audio included in the tape but several years later Mickey Vernon was approached and asked to do commentary on his own video. I thought his passion for the game of baseball really showed in his expressions and comments. He truly had a love for the game of baseball.

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